Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Family Home Evening

One of my new goals after Conference is to commit to doing FHE. Since the boys were born my attitude towards it has been "if it gets done great, if not oh well." Bad attitude huh? And, actually we have done it for two weeks now, so I was a little ahead of the Conference talks.

Last week Steven gave a great lesson on Prayer and told the story of Enos praying all day and night. This week was Steve's turn and he wanted to help the boys understand the value of money. He really does a great job of teaching kids. Whenever he helps in the primary I am impressed and I was equally as impressed with his lesson last night. If he puts some time in to it, it turns out great!

So, what he did was first ask where money comes from. Then he told each boy what their job was and he gave them a little bag of pennies as payment for their job. Then we discussed what we have that we have to pay for. Steve had clipart for each thing that we have to pay for and he told the boys to give him a certain amount of money for each thing. For example a house cost 15, so they had to count out 15 pennies and put it on the picture of the house.
{Do you see Brandon at the edge of this picture? He was just watching what was going on.}

He incorporated tithing in to this as well, and said the first thing we do when we get money is to give some to Heavenly Father. He also wanted to teach the boys about conserving energy so he told them that we have to pay for electricity, gas and water, and then we discussed what we could each do to save money in those areas. At the end the boys had like 10 pennies left so he said they could buy toys or candy with that money if they wanted to since everything else was paid for. Then he said "oh, someone left the light on in your room so everyone give me a penny to pay more for electricity." It really hit home when they only had 4 pennies left and he said that candy cost 5 so they couldn't buy it because they had to pay more for electricity. I guess if he had real candy to give we could have even got some tears going. :-)
Anyway, great lesson and I am excited to have this be a part or our week now. I am following up next week with a chore list that will pay an allowance: Another one of my Conference goals in teaching the boys and keeping the house cleaner.

{Brandon and I were just taking pictures and making faces at each other during the lesson. Although I gave my two cents when I thought it was necessary.}


Alicia said...

That is fantastic!! Seriously. What a great lesson. You had already inspired me to read scriptures with Scott every evening and now you've inspired me to get going on FHE. Thanks. Good luck to continuing with some good FHEs.

Roger said...

Steven is my hero. He is like a real accountant. Why didn't you have this lesson when T&K were there. Ask Steven for some pointers for me to teach Krista that when you talk too much, your cellular bill is HUGE!

Jessica said...

That was awesome!!! My roommate and I were dying laughing. Actually I would like to request a repeat of that lesson when I am there since my last cell phone phone bill was $150!

Sue said...

I really love the picture of Brandon in this blog! He has beautiful eyes and looks so handsome. I love the FHE idea. It is so much fun to do FHE with children. I love that Steven taught a lesson and love the lesson on finances. Great job!
Also, I just read your last blog. You have a number of lofty goals. I hope you do a great job! Do not be too hard on yourself; you get 4 large points for raising 4 young boys. We used to say for each child, something worthwhile gets dropped, it is a matter of prioritizing.

Hardy Family said...

I think it's great that you guys are having family home evening! I know how important it is but it's so hard to get the kids to sit still and pay attention. I guess if you can do it with all your boys, then I can certainly do better.
You guys are a great example!