Friday, February 09, 2007

Jacob's understanding

So, Jacob and I went to the store this morning, and in the checkout line he keep asking me for candy after candy after candy. I kept saying No, especially since he was already holding a snack in his hands. I finally told him if he asks me again, I am going to put him in the buggy where he can't reach the candy. Well, of course it came to that, and once he was in the buggy he was being totally rude and acting like a brat because he didn't want to be there. I told him to stop or I am going to put him down for a nap when we get home.

So, then we are in the car and here is the conversation:

Jacob: Am I going to bed?
Me: If you keep acting Rude you are.
Jacob: I'm not Rude (pause, then breaks in to song)
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Has a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it,
you would even say it glows.

Apparently he thought I was saying he is Rudolph. haha


Roeckers said...

Way too funny!! Love it.

Natalie said...

That was so funny that I laughed out loud. I love the associations that little kids make with different words.

Alicia said...

Hilarious!! Those are the stories I love to hear. That made me really laugh. What a funny kid. I bet you were laughing too.

laura said...

Oh- I can just picture Jacob, doing his little shuffle walk through the aisle getting irritated with you after every No. What a crack up.

Sue said...

I love that story! i wonder what was going through his head, he must think you are crazy. Thanks for sharing.