Saturday, September 16, 2006

My boys

OK, it is Saturday night, time to prepare for Sacrament Meeting. :)

Just Kidding it is really not too bad, I just know that it could be better. The comments and suggestions to my inquiry were awesome. I am sure I will go back and refer to them often. It looks like I just need to find one of the many quiet toys available and see which one will keep Nathan content. I think the duct tape suggestion may have to be the solution to Nathan's attitude. Thanks Dad. :)

I haven't really been taking pictures this week, even though I thought about it.
We have had quite a slow week, with just school, shopping, movies, cleaning, etc. So I will add some pictures that you haven't seen in a while to tide you all over until I take some more. :)

Steve's birthday June 21, 2006

A castle in Garmisch Germany where we spent Easter this year.


laura said...

Wow- What a family of boys!!! You are really outnumbered Teresa. It's time to plan for little Brianne to enter the picture. It's good to see pictures of Steve. We haven't seen him in SO long.

Roger said...

SO, how did the duct tape work out?

Teresa said...

sacrament meeting went OK on Sunday. I had to take Jacob out for timeout leaving Nathan and Steven at the bench alone, but they were able to be civil to each other for those 7 minutes so I will give them some credit. I did make Nathan sit on a chair for 10 minutes when we got home though. so maybe next week that will work as a good threat.

Alicia said...

Very cute pictures of all of your boys. Scott likes Jacob's little tummy showing. I can not wait to see them again.

I thought of you on Sunday when we had stake conference. We lucked out and Rama and Fred came over to stay with Brie because it was right at her nap time. So Scott and I went alone and it was so good. We both learned a lot. Elder Bednar is just brilliant.