Thursday, March 26, 2009

What A Week!!

So, this has been the third week of Steve's business trip, and I hate to admit it, but the whole trip has been hard for me this time. The biggest culprit, I think, is that Steven and Nathan started baseball the week Steve left. I love having them in it, and they are really enjoying playing. The hard part comes in when I have to be at the baseball fields Monday thru Thursday right at dinner time and stay there until it is almost bedtime. I am also struggling with where I should be during the practice. I would love to sit on the bench and watch the player, but I have three other kiddos that want to be somewhere else. The toys are at a park that is on the same piece of property, but not close to the field. So, I either have whiney kids while I watch the practice, or else I leave the other Mom's to cheer on my son while I am off at the swings. Luckily I was there for this.

Steven's position is on the pictchers mound. They use a pitching machine, but he stands there to catch balls. Well, on Wednesday the third baseman caught the ball and was trying to throw it to first base. He was fairly close to Steven and threw too low. Steven caught the ball right in the lip. At first we thought he chipped a tooth, but I haven't seen proof of that yet. The whole incident really upset Steven and the parents watching and the coaches. I wasn't too worried. I mean after all, if it is just the lip, not much harm done. I sent him to school today, and his teacher had already heard about the incident and came running out to meet him when he got out of the car. (I absolutely LOVE this school and the boys teachers) So, Steven got some extra attention at school today including a very kind get well card from another boy on his team.

Luckily Steve will be home tomorrow morning in time to see both boys play there first game. So, hopefully this will be the last incident until he comes home. Just a few of the other incidents these past couple weeks were:
Brandon refusing to go to nursery, when I have classes to teach on Sunday.
Putting the boys to bed (that is an "incident" every night)
Waking up Sunday morning to a van that was completley dead, and wouldn't even start with jumper cables. Luckily our neighbors are members, so we were able to get to church.
Brandon not sleeping well, and starting to wake up every night for a bottle again!
Having to clean out the RAT cage!
Having book club at my house this week with a lawn that looked pretty ragged. So, I had my turn at mowing the front yard on the ride on lawn mower. That one actually turned out to be pretty enjoyable.

I could go on, but I won't. I just haven't had a fun time being a single Mom during this trip. Hopefully we will think twice before we decide to send Steve away for more than a week.

P.S. Dad- I loved your comment about the bright idea of having a rat and a cat for pets. I actually thought the same thing when Steve told me that he wanted the rat. The funny thing is I haven't told you about the second cat we aquired from the lady we bought the trampoline from in January. The lady was moving and asked Steve to take her. I agreed, to get him to stop asking me to get a dog. I would take two cats over a dog.


Olson Clan said...

So sorry you have been having a hard time. Know that this too will end, eventually.... Keeping you and your family in our thoughts.

Williams Family Dirt said...

It is so hard when Daddy is gone! I know the feeling. Hang in there!!

Roger said...

I'm so glad when daddy comes home,
Glad as I can be;
Clap my hands and shout for joy,
Then tell him I am free.

Put my hands aroung his throat,
Squeeze it tight like this,
Grab his face and give him what?
A honey-do-list.

Steve said...

Roger, put your hands up... and step away from the keyboard. Can someone please take the keyboard away from Roger? He is no longer allowed to comment on these things.

laura said...

3 weeks is just SO long. And what kind of a baseball schedule is that??? We have two nights a week and I think that is hard. I can't imagine every night. Poor Steven. That looks like it really hurt. Does he want to continue with baseball or is he done??

Kristin said...

Roger.....HILARIOUS!!!! Nice rendition of that song. poor thing. I hope your lip is feeling better. I had a friend in high school who got hit in the face with a softball and broke his nose and busted his lip pretty bad. So I know it's not fun. Teresa....Steve owes you an entire day of relaxation at a spa or something. :)

Steve said...

Ok, Kristin, you're about to be banned, too. Laura, no more comments about how long I go for!

Roger said...

Someone came home a little grumpy...