Another blog that I am a little behind on is Nathan's first day at school. He started German Kindergarten with Steven on Monday. I took some pictures of the two boys heading off to school, and then was going to take more at school, but upon arriving we had some problems.
Poor Nathan is only 3 1/2 and is starting in a school where everyone is speaking German, and he is scared. Nathan doesn't cower very often, but he has been at school.
One of his teachers was a Nanny in the states for a year so she speaks great English and understands everything that he wants, but she only speaks German to him. I think maybe she should speak a little english to him until he is more comfortable, but we will see if this works.
I am going to try to take a picture of him at school one of these days, but it is a little hard when he is clinging to me. He has had a smile on his face everyday when I come to pick him up, but the next morning it is fear again.
I on the other hand have loved the freedom this has given me. Yes, it is only for 3 hours, and yes, I still have one child with me, but whoa what a difference. I can stroll through the shops in my little town and go into any of them without three kids to keep out of the street and six hands grabbing at everything. Jacob can be a pain in the butt, but having to only control one is sooooo much easier. I am loving it!!
And here is one of Jacob being the KING of the house. He asks where Nathan is at least five times in those 3 hours, but it is nice to be King.
Yeah Nathan!! Good luck in school!
Does Steven like school any better now that his misery has company or is it a double battle every morning?
Yeah! I only have one child for three hours too and it does make a HUGE difference!! Running errands is so easy. Madison's first day was Wednesday and I ran enough errands in that time that usually would have taken me like 3 days. I am glad you are enjoying it too.
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