The three oldest boys, and a neighbor.
And we have a trip to California/Germany scheduled for this month. So lots to look forward to.
Here are the thank you letters the boys wrote for their teachers.
The last day of school was very nice for the boys. First we went to Nathan's classroom for what they call on Honor's Day program. He had such an awesome kindergarten teacher, and I will always think the world of her. She gave each child an award, and even wrote them a poem called "My Sweet Sixteen." There were sixteen kids in her class this year. It was so sweet. Nathan got the award for best reader! Yay Nathan.
Here is Nathan with Mrs. Debbie.
This is Mrs. Sarina, the assistant teacher in Nathan's kindergarten class. It is amazing to me that in his school they have no more than 16 kids to a classroom, and have an assistant teacher. What a GREAT school!
Then Steven's Honor's Day program was in the gym. He got awards for Outstanding Citizenship, a Music Award, and Honor Roll. He was one tardy and one absence away from Perfect Attendance. We will have to try harder next year.
Here is Steven with his Awesome Teacher Mrs. Ledford. She is so much fun, and a really good teacher. She is pregnant with twins and due a month after school starts again next year. She is teaching third grade next year so Steven may get her again.
Now we have eight full weeks of summer, and then the three oldest will go to school. It is going to be so nice.
And as for the one staying home. He is crazy!! The boy has a thing with dumping things. For example: a box of corn flakes, a squirt bottle of water all over my wood floor, and here we have two examples of things that he dumped out. I am going to let you guess what they are.
thing A
thing B
Looks like you will have a fun summer! Don't you love boys and their messes?
I'll help everyone with their guesses. You forgot to mention that within the past month he has opened up and dumped out a whole bag of corn starch, at least three or four bags of pasta, top soil, flour, baby powder, salt and pepper. Among those, he has also gotten a hold of other things that squirt like tube paint, diaper rash ointment, neosporin, lip balm, tooth paste, shampoo, oh, and the cat's water, litter and food containers.
a. pepper and salt
b. flour
Please keep Brandon away from Blake while you are here. The two of them together could cause absolute catastrophe. I'm so glad the boys had a great year at school. And 16 kids/ class- You've got to be kidding me!!!! I hate CA. Because of budget cuts, our class sizes are now going from 20 to 30.
Can't wait to see you all!!!!!!!
And you are leaving Brandon at our house! Heaven help us.
I am buying more duct tape today.
Thing that really poop? It looks like poop. And thing powder. Wow! Macy didn't start dumping things until she was 3! Way to go Brandon! And I'm jealous schools out already. Kalie doesn't get out until the 10th!
Have a great summer!
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