Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Fasching/Karneval/Mardi Gras

or whatever you want to call the holiday that is celebrated on Fat Tuesday. The Europeans have big celebrations on this holiday and we get to join in their fun. I remember writing the blog about Fasching last year and it is unbelievable to me that it has been a whole year since that post.

Anyway, again the kids got to dress up at school and have a little party.
The first day, which was Monday, was a clown theme, so everyone dressed as a clown. Steven goes to a different school so he is an Indian. I didn't get a good picture of him with his face paint on. He leaves for school so much earlier and I forgot to get out the camera. The day this picture was taken he didn't have school, but was dressed up anyway.

This is our neighbor Ronya. Isn't her Mom talented with the face paint? I think it looks so cool.

I thought he was the cutest clown. The Germans really know how to do face paint.

The second day of Fasching celebration which was Tuesday, the kids got to dress however they wanted. Jacob is spiderman wearing PJ's that Nana got for Steven 2 years ago. Can't beat that for an easy costume.
And here is Superman.

On another note.....
A couple of years ago Jessica mentioned to me that she likes to give something up during Lent just like the Catholics do. I decided I was up for that kind of challenge and have half heartedly given something up for most of lent the past two years. :) This year I want to try again. I was deciding between drinking nothing but water for the next 40 days. Or not eating anything with chocolate in it. Well, when I woke up yesterday morning, I couldn't decide, so I decided that for the day I would do both and I was successful. Today, I still can't decide, so I guess I will have to keep it at both until I decide which one I want to do. Wish me luck.

Here is a little face time for the baby.
K, this is hilarious. I gave Brandon this duck to play with, and when I looked at him a couple minutes later the duck was sitting here. I DID NOT put it there. I guess he just reached up above his head and let go. Too funny!

For the past two weeks Brandon and I have had the worst dry skin. The worst for me is on my hand, and wrist. It itches and stings. Poor Brandon has it all over his face. He even has a sore in one spot where the first layer of skin is off. I have tried so many different things on his face and none seem to have taken it away. I finally made a Dr. appt for him to see what he has to say. We go tomorrow morning. But, for the past couple weeks, all Brandon's pictures show some really bad skin.


Anonymous said...

Sarah made jambalaya in commemoration of Mardi Gras, but we couldn't think of anything we wanted to give up. So we just celebrated the indulgence right before lent without any of the sacrifice. I think we'll do it again next year.

Scott B. said...

Ouch! That dry skin looks painful! I actually went to a doctor last year because of dry skin (eczema) on my hands. He gave me something that I have never really used. I should send it to you. He also said to use Cetaphil or Eucerin. Doesn't Eucerin remind you of a wiggly Evan baby? Weird.

The costumes and the parties look great. How fun that the boys get to celebrate. And um, I would chose to drink water. I think giving up chocolate sounds a little excessive.

laura said...

Yikes. Poor Brandon(and you). I too am a victim of eczema. My doctor told me to use cetaphil. I use only that now- even on my face for about 5 years now and it has helped a TON. Do you have that over there???

Sarah A said...

Aiden gets the same face thing so we have started using Aquaphor on it. Aquaphor is made by Eucerin, it's just a little more intense. He looks like a big shiny ball after we use it, but it has made all the difference- he has been soft ever since. After reading this post now I know what side of the family Aiden gets his dry skin from.

felicity & nathaniel said...

That duck picture made me laugh out loud!! Silly baby!

mrhery124 said...

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