And now I am 3 days away from leaving for California for Christmas, and I am sooo excited. My whole family will be there except for Evan who just left on his mission. Mom is going to have a house full. And, I think we have talked the Kirkhams in to coming to Bakersfield to visit the first weekend that we are there. That makes us even more excited about the trip.
I have a pretty scary story that happened to me about a week ago. Steve has joined this book club called where he can download 2 books a month. So he put Da Vinci Code on on MP3 player for me, and I have been walking in the morning and listening to my book. It has been so nice to get out by myself, and listen to my book. Well, one morning I was coming home and crossing a busy street, but I was at the crosswalk, and using the crosswalk button. When it was my turn, I started across the street and a women who was turning on to that street must not have seen me. Well, when I realized she wasn't going to stop, I tried to stop, but my shoes were wet from the morning due, and my foot slipped out in front of me. I fell down on my butt, and my leg was stretched out. I watched the car turning into me, and I was SURE that she was going to run over my leg. It looked like she was heading right for it, and I couldn't move it fast enough. She must have just missed me. Then she stopped her car and got out. I got up and told her, I speak english, but "All ist Klar" that means everything is OK. I wish I could have explained more too her, but she was really sorry, and kept saying stuff in German, and I couldn't understand her. Well, it was during morning traffic so soon people started honking for us to get out of the way, so I walked away. As soon as I left her I just started sobbing. I tried to stop because there were a bunch of people waiting at the light to turn, but I couldn't! Luckily I was very close to home, so I got home as quick as I could and came upstairs to my room where Steve was and just laid down. I guess I was just shaken by it, and scared about how close she came to running over my leg. Pretty crazy.
I don't have any Christmasy pictures, so I am attaching some that I think are funny. There was a potluck dinner for Steven's T-Ball team which is year round, they just move it indoors. So here are pictures of what they boys decided to do after they were done eating. This was at the front of the room where all the food was. They are out of control.
Here is Jacob showing you all the boys favorite food here in Deutschland.
I think getting out by yourself to walk or run is one of the best things a young mother can do for herself. The car story is scary, I would have cried, too. All that adreneline in your system causes that. That is too bad that happened, I consider it a blessing that she didn't hit you. I do always have at least my name and a contact number whenever I am out.
I love the boys activity after the dinner. We can hardly wait!
That story is crazy man! and what the heck is Jacob holding? Is it bread or sausage? Also, why was it so hard adjusting back. That sentence led me to believe you were going to divulge the answer but you left me hanging.
Jacob is holding a huge hot dog type thing. They don't taste like American hot dogs though. And as far as why I had a hard time, it was a long story and I thought I should only put one long story on that blog. I will be happy to tell you when I see you.
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