On Saturday morning Brandon woke up in our bed and said "I need to go pee." Which was strange since I hadn't talked to him about peeing in the toilet for a couple of weeks. Then he jumps up and runs in the bathroom and takes his diaper off. At that point I figured I better go make sure everything was done correctly. And it was! He had just decided to be potty trained. He did awesome that day. Since then we have had a minor incident or two. For some reason he doesn't tell me when he has to poop. He has done that in his underwear a couple of times. But if I see him trying to hide somewhere or looking like he has to go and I ask him, he says he has to go and does great. I don't know why he hasn't figured that one out yet. Also, he thinks the bubbles that are in the toilet after he pees are cool, so there have been a couple of times that he comes out with wet hands and he has stuck his hand in the toilet. Nasty! I hate that. But for the most part he is done and we are all thrilled.
Saturday morning was spent planting the garden. We had an awesome garden last year, and are so excited to see what we can create this year. Steve even bought some topsy turvy things to see how well they work. They are looking good so far.
{strawberry and tomato topsy turvy hanging from a For Sale sign post. Steve is so smart! }
Then we enjoyed conference for the rest of our Saturday.
Sunday morning after Easter Bunny excitement, Steven gave us a Family Home Evening Lesson on the story of Christ's death and resurrection. He did a very good job and it was great to spend that time talking about Christ. Then Steve and I helped each boy bear his testimony about Christ and we each took a turn too. It wasn't necessarily spiritual, but it was a great starter to get them comfortable with it.
{Jacob with some of his Easter loot. The Easter Bunny brought these slingshot airplanes that were super cheap, and they are very cool. You can shoot them so far. Jacob took his for share day this week.}
We again watched Conference all day Sunday and then for dinner we had pulled pork which is called a "Boston Butt" here in Georgia. It was great!
{The boys had the opportunity of watching the first session of conference with us, and this is how Jacob, Nathan and Brandon enjoyed the session. Brandon got sent to his room and is asleep under Jacob's bed. }
This week has been so nice to have the boys back in school. We went to the 911 center on Monday night with the tiger cub scouts to see how they communicate with and help the community. Brandon and I went to playgroup on Tuesday with the church group and it was SOO HOT at 10:00am that we didn't last nearly as long as we usually do. Wednesday I did an activity for the YW of making care packages for the missionaries. Thursday was going to be a crazy afternoon with 3 different ball games in two places at the same time, but as we were walking out the door to go we got a call that everything was canceled. We were under a tornado watch. We got some awesome thunder and lightning and a decent amount of rain but no tornado thank heavens. Friday morning I went on a field trip with Jacob's class to Georgia Southern University. We went to the wildlife center where they did a bird show and then took us on a walk to see some of the animals in the wetlands. It was a great field trip and I enjoyed spending time with Jacob. Brandon was at my friends house. The afternoon was relaxing, especially since Steven went to a friends house for a couple hours after school. It always surprises me how much easier things are even with one child missing. Now today we did sports in the morning, set up the pool and now Steve has taken all the boys fishing and I am here alone again. Yahoo! He must have taken my hint in my last post. :-)
{Here is a video of the Easter Egg hunt. This is one of the MANY reasons I LOVE Steve. He sang this song for a good twenty minutes as each boy took a turn finding an egg. I think you all will appreciate his song abilities. It makes easter egg hunting so much more fun!}