On Thursday after school, the boys and I went to Augusta to pick up Steve where he had been all week. We of course took advantage of the Red Lobster there, and pigged out. Steve had Friday off (Yahoo!) and was suppose to start on a long list of stuff that he would like to get done. But as he got to thinking about it, he decided that he would much rather build a shed for our backyard! I am actually very excited about it, because we need to get some of this junk organized and that is a great way to do it. When I mentioned he could just buy one for about the same price, he declined and said he wanted to "do it himself." Way to go dear. So, Friday was spent at Lowe's getting the lumber for the shed.
Friday night Steven's baseball coach had planned a game of the Mets (Steven's team) against their parents. It was lots of fun, and Steve and I both got to bat and we both made it home. Then we stayed and played at the park and had pizza until 8:30pm. Always very exciting for the boys when we stay out past dark.
Saturday morning we went to the "Great American Clean-Up" where we got free shirts and candy and then lots of trash bags and white gloves. Steve and I and the three youngest boys did a great job cleaning up our street, staying out of the road, and avoiding the broken glass. Steve even found wild raspberries by the side of the road that distracted him and the boys for a good ten minutes. Steven was at a primary activity where they delivered food to the food bank that the ward has been collecting all month. He really enjoyed himself there.
From the service projects we went to Steven's baseball game where we got to have hot dogs and nachos for lunch. Steven won his game by two points. Yeah Steven! He unfortunately cannot hit the ball when it comes out of that pitching machine, and they have stuck him in the outfield, so I hope he doesn't get discouraged from playing. It was a very fun game though.
Then Saturday afternoon it was back home to start the shed. Steve of course had lots of helpers and it is looking really good.
As we have been out in the evenings a lot this week we have seen all the mosquitos, and I have never seen so many in my life. There are like 20 on every person that is in the bleachers. They are so bad, and they LOVE, LOVE Brandon. So, this morning (Sunday) when we woke up this is what he looked like.
He has a mosquito bite right on the bridge of his nose. We took him to church because he is feeling completely fine, he just has an allergic reaction to the mosquitos and it swelled up all around his eye. I gave him benadryl before his nap hoping that would help, but he looked like this when he woke up after his nap.
I researched it a little on the internet and I guess swelling is a common reaction to mosquito bites, it just looks really bad when it is by the eye. He gets welts on his head when they bite him there too. So, I have decided that as long as it is only one eye that swells, it doesn't seem to bother him, and it doesn't start to ooze anything, I am just going to give it a day or two to go away. It does look soo bad though. We had some pretty concerned people at church. My poor baby.
The boys and I are reading Harry Potter as our story in the evenings. We are already on chapter 3 of book 3. It is really enjoyable, except for the whining I hear when we don't have enough time to read. :( I just hope I don't get burned out before we get through4 more books of about a million pages each! This is me and Steven reading Harry Potter.
PS- Can you believe Joan and Melissa Rivers on celebrity apprentice tonight!! Quite an over reaction I would say. (I just hope Joan never reads this haha)