As for today's post.....we have a little boy who has hit the wonderful age of 18 months. I wonder if this is as exciting for people who aren't members of the church. haha Brandon has been going to nursery for the past two weeks, and I stay with him for the first hour, then leave him for the second. He seems to do OK, but when he realizes that I am gone he is a little shaken up. He will adjust quickly though I am sure, and Steve and I are very excited to have peaceful Sunday meetings again.
So, Brandon is my only child who has had a blanket that he sleeps with. The funny thing is I kind of gave it to him as an experiment. Part of it was that we were moving and he was sleeping in a different bed every couple of weeks, and I wanted to give him the blanket so he would have something to let him know it was time to go to sleep. But a bigger part was for my experiment. I always hear Mom's say their kids are so attached to a blanket or stuffed toy or something and I was always curious how the kid got that way. Was it the kids choice or the parents? Meaning, did the Mom just give the baby the same blanket or whatever every time she put the baby to bed so after a while the baby started to think that was part of sleeping, or did the baby choose the same toy every time. Well, the conclusion to my experiment is the first scenerio. I think some kids may like to have a certain feel of blanket by their own choice or they may like to sleep with a stuffed toy in their bed, but I definitely think the attachment to a specific item comes from the parents giving it to them enough times that they become attached. And now that I have a baby attached to a specific item, I kind of wonder why do Mom's do this? If you rotate blankets every week or whatever, you would never have this problem of searching for a certain blanket all the time. I want to know what you all think of this experiment, so let me have it!
Now, back to Brandon. He is attached to a red blanket that my sister Laura made for him when he was born. He has to have it to go to sleep and he is always holding it when I go in to get him from bed.
It usually stays in the house with us though, so no dragging through mud puddles or anything. I have to draw the line somewhere. This blanket even has a name (don't all attachment blankets). It is called the TT-Ma blanket which comes from a whole other story. I will make it quick. When we flew from Germany to VA last year, we were headed home and were stuck in the airport for like 5 hours before we got on a short connecting flight before getting on a 7 hour flight to Germany. Brandon was 3 months old at the time, and about the time we got on the airplane he decided he was sick of being in my arms. He started crying loudly and wouldn't stop no matter what I did. This was within minutes of us sitting down. Well, after I tried to quiet him for 10 minutes, this lady next to me asked if I wanted her to hold him. I said "sure", thinking I could save myself some embarrassment if she were the one holding the screaming baby. Well, she started singing him this song, close to his ear, while she shook him softly up and down. It was a song she had made up for her son and it said:
"Somebody's so tired, Somebody's so tired
TT-Ma TT-Ma, TT-Ma
Somebody's so tired, Somebody's so tired
TT-Ma TT-Ma, TT-Ma
It had a really catchy tune and she said the "t" sound made the baby be quiet and listen. And sure enough she had Brandon asleep within a couple of minutes and he stayed with her the whole 45 minute flight sleeping. So....we adopted that song for him and used to sing it to him all the time. Now we just use the phrase TT-Ma for bed like, "Are you ready to go TT-Ma" and he thinks we are talking about his blanket so he will got get it or show it to us whenever we say that. If that lady only knew what her little song has turned in to at our house.
I have a video of Steve singing the TT-Ma song, but he is going to have to help me find that as well.
Sleeping with Daddy and the TT-Ma blanket
Getting the blanket from the dryer! Oh Happy Day
And here are some of Brandon's new words, so we can remember when he is all grown up. :)