Wingers is a restaurant that I think first started in Utah. Steve and I had one really close to our house in Orem right after we got married and we frequented the place. I specifically remember that we went out to eat there on our way to the hospital to have Steven. I was 2 days overdue and had been dilated to a 4 for two weeks, so the Dr. just told us to come in whenever we were ready. So, we went out to dinner and then headed to the hospital. (That was a bad idea by the way)
So, when we moved to Germany and found out they had a Wingers here, we were thrilled. Especially when we found out it was outside the gate. The American posts here are surrounded by gates with guards at the entrance. Since Steve is not in the Army, we cannot get past the gates which is where they have an American grocery store, a Taco Bell, a Thrift Store, an English movie theater, etc. All of our friends at church are military, so they go on post all the time, but we do not have passes. That was REALLY hard for a long time, so it was so nice to have Wingers outside the gate.
Wingers also takes American Dollars instead of the Euro that we use every where else, so we felt like we were saving money every time we went there. For all these reasons, and because we love to go out to eat, we have gone there about every other week for 3 years.
Well, the base here is closing, and they are moving the soldiers back to the states as fast as they can. So...they are starting to close a lot of the facilities as well. And that is why they are closing Wingers. I feel like we have been enough times now that we are OK to see it go, but it sure was a great feel of home whenever we needed it.
For some reason all of these pictures are kind of blurry. I don't know why, but I will use them anyway.